Stacey Adamiak
Frederick County Public Schools
Systemic Professional Learning for F2F Mentors

Julie Alspach
Oakland Schools
Online Teaching: Ninja Skills

Russ Ansley
Virtual Learning Academy, Lewisville ISD
"A Sign of the Times": Creating a Smash Hit Soap Opera for American Sign Language Online.
Thomas Arnett
Clayton Christensen Institute
Bringing student-centered blended learning to scale

Hilary Apana-McKee
Hawaii State Department of Education
Island State, District Solutions

Jennifer Badeaux
Orange County Virtual School
Virtual PE? Is that even possible?

Cheryl Ballou
Digital Learning: Is it the answer to access and equity?

Marie Banzon
Round Rock Independent School District
Building a Foundation for Success in the Digital Curriculum Environment

Brad Barber
The Tesla Academy
The Pre-Enrollment Inverview...the key to thriving students.

Amanda Beyer
Northwest Area Education Agency
How MTSS and SDI can be helped with EdReady

Richard Bitgood
Heritage Christian Online School
5 Ways to Become More Proactive With Your Online Students
Rachel Blackwell
Pulaski County Special School District
DRIVEN: Chart Your Own Course

Dr. Rachel Book
Lincoln Learning Solutions
Every Student Deserves an IEP

Heather Boyd
Village Virtual LLC
The ADDIE Model: A Dynamic, Flexible Guideline for Building Effective Digital Learning

Mary Beth Boyer
JSerra High School
All Hands on the Digital Deck! Navigating the Tides of Teacher Presence in the Online Classroom

Sam Brooks
Putnam County Schools (TN)
Beginning Google for Educators

Holly Brzycki
Capital Area Online Learning Association/Capital Area Intermediate Unit
Evaluating 10 Years of Online Learning

Chris Caton
Northgate School District
Every Student Deserves an IEP
Thomas Clark
Clark Consulting
Chat with the Researchers

Emmy Coleman
The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation
The Nurturing of Implementation | planting-cultivating-preparing for digital learning
Brian Collins
Moving Beyond “Sit and Get” Badges to Competency-based Professional Development Credentials

Brook Conner
Hawaii State Department of Education, Office of Information Technology Services
Island State, District Solutions

John Connolly
Consolidated High School District 230
Curriculum & Technology: "The goal is not to think alike, but to think together"

Debi Crabtree
Village Virtual LLC
Addressing the Needs of English Language Learners through Digital Curriculum

Damian Creamer
How I Used SMS Texts to Ground My Daughter - From a CEO/Dad

Andrea Damore
Beacon Academy
Measuring School Success One Student at a Time: An Alternative Education High Schools Approach to Each Student

Ken Davis
Valley School District
The Evolution of Virtual Special Education: The Columbia Virtual Academy Model
Sarah DelSanto
Portsmouth Middle School
Digital Storytelling in the Digital World

Daryl Diamond
School Board Of Broward County, Florida
Scaling up effective, high quality digital learning

Nicki Dickson
Springfield Public Schools / Launch
Shape it Up: Building “Physical” Engagement Online

Valerie Doherty
Idaho Digital Learning Alliance
Five Social Media Campaigns that ACTUALLY WORK for Online Learning Organizations

Robert Dolan
Diverse Learners Consulting
Keeping (On) Track: Supporting Students' Varying Executive Function Skills during Online and Blended Learning

Peter Drescher
VT Agency of Education
It's In Statute!! VT does Online and Blended Learning

Michele Eaton
MSD of Wayne Township
DIY Digital Design: What Teachers Need to Know about eLearning Design
Julie Evans
Project Tomorrow
Too Much Screen Time – Fake News or Real Parental Concern?

Jon Fila
Intermediate District 287
Proactively Supporting LGBTQ Students

Seth Fleischauer
Banyan Global Learning
Creating Your Own Virtual Field Trips: 10 Years of Failing Forward

Joe Freidhoff
Michigan Virtual
Keep DLAC Weird: A Running Conversation with Michigan Virtual

Carly Fuller
Project Based Learning in an Asynchronous Classroom

Mandolyn Garcia-Ruiz
Inspire Connections Academy
Accommodating Students in Online Science Courses

Kristen Geez
Advising Generation Z
Technology & Storytelling Has the Power to Discipline 21st Century Youth

Robert Gemin
Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance
Initiating and Sustaining District Digital Learning Strategies

Lucia Giacomantonio
Introducing Your Best Self: An Exercise on How Micro-credentials Work

Karie Gladis
Implementing Project Based Learning in a Blended Learning Environment

Jason Green
LINC, the Learning Innovation Catalyst
The Evolving Role of Educators in Innovative Personalized Teaching and Learning Models

Stacey Gonzales
Consolidated High School District 23
Curriculum & Technology: “The goal is not to think alike, but to think together”

Virg Hale
EdReady Montana of Montana Digital Academy
Multi-tiered System of Support (MTSS) and Differentiated Math/English Tool

Chris Harrington
Institute for Teaching and Leading
National Standards for Quality Online Programs
Jay Heap
Georgia Virtual
National Online Teacher Credential: A First Look at National Credentialling for Online Teachers

Kimberly Holt
North Carolina Virtual Public School
Building a Foundation for Success in the Digital Curriculum Environment

May Huang
ASU Prep Digital
The Human Connection - Building Socialization into Personalized Learning

David Kanter
Calvert Learning
Not Your Grandfather’s Theoretical Framework: Applying the NRC’s "How People Learn" Framework to Virtual School Curriculum

Christine Kasitz
Mission Academy
Strategies to Motivate the Unmotivated At-Risk Online Learner with a Trauma Informed Focus

Tracey Keckler
Kenosha eSchool
Blended Learning for the Gifted and Talented

Kathryn Kennedy
Evergreen Education Group
Wellness for Educators

Kylie Kingdon
Emmanuel Catholic College
My First Year of Teaching Online

Morgan Knauth
Rockwall ISD
Why You Should Use Writer's Workshop

Karyn Koven
Progress and Pitfalls: Providing one to one, synchronous instruction for high school students

Randy LaBonte
Canadian eLearning Network
Canadian e-Learning Roundup: Leadership Perspectives, Policy, and Practices from Canada

Tom Landon
Virtual Virginia
Building Teacher Capacity through (free) Professional Development

Elizabeth LeBlanc
Institute for Teaching and Leading
Leadership that Moves You Forward: Best Practices in Personalized Learning Models

Beny Lederman
Genius SIS
Tracking attendance in an online environment

Gabe Linder
Traditional Learning Academy Online
A Blended/Online Hybrid in a B.C. School

Kim Loomis
4Ps of Evaluating a Blended Program: Performance, Pedagogy, Perception, and Partnerships

Daniel Mahlandt
Ephrata Area School District
From Virtual Academy to a Life Ready Graduate Profile: How One District is Transforming through Student-Centered Learning

Jessica Mays
Arlington ISD
Flip or Flop: Flipped Classroom Edition

Christie McCormick
Bend-La Pine Schools
How We Are Ending Failure

Pronita Mehrotra
How to Use Creativity Games to Teach 21st Century Skills

Tammy McKeown
Less Emails, More Communication - Engaging Parents on Their Terms

Doug Mesecar
Evaluating 10 years of Online Learning

Blair Mishleau
Western School of Science and Technology
Working in K12 Education as a Digital Nomad: Lessons Learned!

Carolyn Mitchell
Virtual Learning Academy/Lewisville ISD
Building Community in the Online Environment

Saro Mohammed
Independent Consultant
Learning Science Crash Course: Fast Facts on what Learning Science Really Means for Your Digital, Blended, Online Experiences
Annie Moran
Luzerne Intermediate Unit 18
Innovative Cyber Solutions for Your Online Learners

Tracy Mulligan
Tracy Mulligan Education Consulting
Designing Spaces to Amplify Learning

Rylyne Nchu
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Lack of blended learning in entrepreneurship education and its impact on the perception of learners towards entrepreneurship.

Ryan Neumann
Cobb Virtual Academy
Teaching Bytes: Equipping teachers to deliver on the real promise of online, blended, and digital learning...TODAY

Michele Nickels
Wisconsin Virtual School
Learn Online, Live Outdoors
Jennifer Nobles
North Carolina Virtual Public School
We Take it Personal

Dawn Nordine
Wisconsin Virtual School
Our Journey: Planning, Implementing and Evaluating a District Online Program
Wendy Oliver
What data tells us about the jumpstart on the 2019 NSQ Teaching Standards at GAVS:Georgia Virtual Begins with the end in mind
Michelle Palker
Byte of Pi
Flip the Teacher/Student Roles with Flipgrid

Prakash Patel
21st Century Cyber Charter School
ELL and Blended Learning

Jeff Plaman
Minnesota Department of Education
The Online Credit Recovery Conundrum

Elaine Plybon
Keller ISD
The Future of Education is Now

Jessica Potts
Davidson Academy Online
Easing the Transition: Helping Gifted Students Make the Leap into Online Learning

Lloyd "Skip" Potts
Indiana University
Is Your Child Ready for Online Learning?

Carrie Pratt
Fairfax County Public Schools
Leveraging Blended Learning in Elementary Schools

Summer Reel
Guthrie CSD/Guthrie Virtual School
Guthrie Virtual School: Small School, Big Impact

Meredith Roe
Catholic Education Western Australia
Quality Online Lesson Observations

Raymond Rose
Rose & Smith Associates
You Need to be Thinking Accessibility All The Time.

Jeffrey Renard
Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative
Supporting Mastery of Transferable Skills

Scott Ringkamp
BLaST Intermediate Unit
Teacher Preparatory Programs and Online Education

Eileen Rutherford
Byte of Pi
Breakout of the TV

Tracy Sangster
Davidson Academy
Let's Argue Semantics: Why Classifying Digital Learning Matters

Valerie Shapko
TWU - University
Designing and Implementing Effective Online Instruction

Smita Shrivastava
The role of Digital Learning in Preparing our Kids for Next Generation Careers

Shelly Shaw
Education Service Center Region 11
Blended Learning: Build Relationships via DDI

Erica Shumaker
Davidson Academy
Building School Culture in Digital Learning

Jeff Simmons
Idaho Digital Learning Alliance
Assessment Abuse (and How to Avoid It)

Nicole Snyder
McKenna Snyder LLC
Cyber Charter School Topics for Students with Disabilities

Beth Pace
Cincinnati Public Schools
Prevent Failure: Effectively Using Digital Learning to Prepare Middle School Students for Success in High School

Carla Tantillo Philibert
Mindful Practices & Active Coach
Connecting Educators & Students through EdTech: Innovations for Screen Time and SEL

Dr. John Theis
Lincoln Learning Solutions
Every Student Deserves an IEP

Krista Tomaselli
Michigan Virtual
Exploring Factors that Predict Student Success in Online High School Social Studies Courses

Vickie Vallet-McWilliams
Pasadena ISD
A Journey Towards Scalable Personalized Learning

Christine Voelker
Quality Matters
One Course Review, Exponential Impact: Does Your Course Measure Up?

Laura Wade
Derry Township School District
Personalized Learning to Support Equity, Deeper Learning, and Student Agency

Matt Waymack
Gwinnett County Public Schools
Optimizing Instruction for Digital Learning Days

Misty Weber
Warren County School District Virtual Academy
Online Course Customization

Sarah Weston
Mountain Heights Academy
OER Passport: A Guide to Finding, Using, Building and Sharing OER

Lisa Wimmers
Accelerate Education
Building a Community for your Virtual School Programs!

Robin Winder
Florida Virtual School
Best Practice in Instructional Models, Instructional Support, and Teacher Care Lead to Proven Results

Kathrine Wren
Like Looking in a Mirror: Creating Curriculum that Reflects Diversity

David Young
Michigan Virtual
Let's talk about Microcredentials

Tiffany Wycoff
LINC, the Learning Innovation Catalyst
The Evolving Role of Educators in Innovative Personalized Teaching and Learning Models

Doug Michelman
The 1Million Project Foundation
The Powerful Force That Can Close the Education Gap