Food at DLAC 2024
Our aim is to keep you fueled during the sessions while keeping your well-being in mind, and taking into account that there are plenty of nearby food, drink, and caffeine options as well. Some of the details below may change, however, we are committed to serving food/drinks that are similar to those described below.
The conference kicks off at 12:30pm — 1:30pm with an opening session.
The afternoon/evening reception will include light appetizers, sweets, sodas, and a bar with beer and wine. Each attendee will receive two drink tickets total that can be used either Monday or Tuesday evening.
In the morning we will have coffee, tea, pastries, and light food. If you like to eat a large breakfast this might not be enough for you, but if you prefer to eat lightly or moderately early in the day the available food should suffice.
The morning break will include coffee and other drinks.
Lunch will be a full buffet. This is the largest meal we will serve at DLAC, and we give you a 90-minute break from sessions to take advantage of time to network, enjoy the weather, or, if you must, check email.
Because lunch ends two and a half hours before the reception, we don’t have an afternoon coffee break.
The reception will again include light appetizers and a bar with beer and wine. If you already used your drink tickets, the bar does allow cash payments.
Wednesday breakfast will be similar to Tuesday. If you like to eat a large breakfast this might not be enough for you, but if you prefer to eat lightly early in the day the available food should suffice.
For those who are staying through Wednesday afternoon, DLAC is providing gift cards that may be used at nearby food trucks, food courts, and restaurants.
Non-conference food options
The hotel has a Starbucks and several other dining options, from drinks and light snacks to full meals. In addition, we will be in the middle of downtown Austin with many food options within walking distance.